Date,Time and Unit of Measure In Spanish


The dates on a calendar play a very important role in our daily lives. The names of days and
months will definitely come up in conversation with Hispanics, as you discuss birthdays, appointments, or scheduled activities. The days of the week are


And the months of the year are

The months of the year are


The U.S. and some segments of the United Kingdom use the month/day/year (m/d/y), or
short date format. The majority of Asian countries, as well as Portugal, South Africa  (English), and Canada (French) use the y/m/d date format. Most countries with European influence and Latin American countries use the d/m/y date format. In Latin American countries, they will sometimes include the day of the week at the
beginning of the d/m/y date.

What is todays date?
؟Qué es la fecha de hoy?
June 21, 2004
Veintiuno de junio, dos mil cuatro
seis/veintiuno/cero cuatro
The 21st day of June 2004
El dيa veinte y uno de junio, dos mil cuatro
What is todays day and date?
؟Qué son el dيa de hoy y la fecha?
Monday, June 21,2004
lunes, veintiuno de junio, dos mil cuatro


Time can be displayed under a 12-hour or a 24-hour clock. Under the 12-hour clock, you identify time by stating the hour and minutes, followed by a.m. or p.m., depending on the time of day. Fifteen-minute increments can be expressed as quarter, half, and three-quarters of an hour. Clocks at some train stations and airports will display time using the international standard notation, hh:mm:ss.
To convert time expressed in 24-hour-clock form to standard time, subtract 12 from the hours notation if the time is greater than 12. The time 23:40 would be converted to standard time as follows: 23 less 12 equals 11. The time expressed by 23:40 is therefore 11:40 p.m. The seconds are not mentioned when
telling time. Some examples follow: Here are some sample discussions of time based on the 12-hour clock:

What time is it?
؟Qué hora es?
It is early.
 Es temprano.
It is 1:10 a.m.
Es la una y diez de la mañana.

You can also express time in quarter-hour increments. Fifteen minutes is one-quarter, or cuarto. Thirty minutes is one-half, or media (it assumes the feminine gender of the hour). Forty-five minutes is three-fourths, or tres cuartos.

It is 11:15 p.m.
Son las once y cuarto de la noche.
It is 2:30 p.m.
Son las dos y media de la tarde.
What time does your flight arrive?
؟A qué hora llega su vuelo?
My flight arrives at 2:45 p.m.
Mi vuelo llega a las dos y tres cuartos de la tarde.
My flight arrives at 2:55 p.m.
Mi vuelo llega a las tres menos cinco minutos de la tarde.
I am leaving at 1:00 p.m.
Salgo a la una de la tarde.
I am leaving at midnight.
Salgo a la medianoche.
We are going to lunch at noon.
Vamos a almorzar al mediodيa.
It is early, if we call it dinner.
Es muy tarde para comer.
It is too late to eat.
Es temprano, si le llamamos cena.

Here are some discussions of time based on the 24-hour clock: Twenty minutes after one in the morning would be expressed as follows:

01.20 hours                         cero uno veinte horas

Six fifty p.m. would be expressed as follows:

18.50 hours                         La hora dieciocho con cincuenta minutos

Units of Measure
In this part we will introduce you to a few of the units of measure that you may come across in talking to Hispanics. We generally use the standard system in the U.S., but can see evidence of the introduction of the metric system in product labeling. Even our cereal box tells us that it contains 25.5 ounces, or 723 grams of cereal. Most Latin American countries use the metric system of measurements.

There are not too many Spanish units of measure for weights, even when you include those terms used in science. In the following sections you will find a few sentences that include standard and metric weight terminology that may come up in a casual conversation.

Standard Weight
Most of our weight measurements involve pounds and ounces. We use these terms extensively in Chapter 7, Shopping, where we talk about buying a pound of this and four ounces of something else. The following are a few sentences that provide the translation for standard weight terms:

There are 16 ounces in a pound.                  Hay dieciséis onzas en una libra.
There are 2,000 pounds in a ton.                  Hay dos mil libras en una tonelada.
Our baby weighed 8 oz at birth.                    Nuestro bebé pesَ ocho onzas cuando naciَ.
I weigh 165 pounds.                                         Peso ciento sesenta y cinco libras.

These sentences demonstrate how the preceding terms can be used to convey other messages related to weight:

I dont want to weigh one ounce more.                       No quiero pesar una onza mas.
I feel like I weigh a ton after eating                              Me siento como que peso una tonelada después
that meal.                                                                           de comer esa comida.

Most Latin American countries use the metric system of measurements. A unit of  weight measurement is the kilogram, also referred to as the kilo. Here are some examples of sentences that include terminology related to metric units of measure:

I purchased one kilogram of corn.                               Compré un kilo de maiz.
One kilogram equals 2.2 pounds.                                Un kilo iguala dos punto dos libras.
A 20 ounce loaf of bread weighs 566 grams.           Una barra de pan de veinte onzas pesa
quinientos sesenta y seis gramos.


Dimension is the measurement of an object in terms of its length, width, and height, or the diameter of a circle or sphere. Here are some sentences that might be used in discussions involving dimensions:

How big is the table?                                                       ؟De qué tamaño es la mesa?

The table is 8 feet long, 4 feet wide,                            La mesa tiene ocho pies de largo, cuatro
and  3 1/2 feet high.                                                          pies de ancho, y tres pies y medio de

The table has a circular map of North and                La mesa tiene un mapa circular de Norte
South America that is 3 feet in diameter.                   y Sudamérica que tiene tres pies de

Measurements in Recipes
Recipes use the following measurements to specify how much of the ingredients are to be used in food preparation. There are two translations for teaspoon and tablespoon. The first is the translation for the utensil itself; the second translation is for the quantity the spoon is able to hold. Use a number or fraction from the Numbers section in this chapter to specify how much of the ingredient is to be used. The two metric measurements of volume are translated at the end of the list.

Teaspoon                            Cucharita
Teaspoon (quantity)          Cucharadita
Tablespoon                         Cuchara
Tablespoon (quantity)      Cucharada
Cup                                       Taza
Pint                                        Pinta
Quart                                    Cuarto de galَn
Gallon                                   Galَn
Liter                                      Litro
Milliliter                                 Mililitro

Here are a few examples that show how measurements are used in a recipe book:

Add 1/2 cup grated cheese.                           Añada media taza de queso rallado.
Add 1/4 tablespoon salt.                                  Añada un cuarto de cucharada de sal.
Sprinkle one teaspoonful of cinnamon.      Rocie una cucharadita de canela.

This article typed by me, and taked with various spanish Source , like Book Speak Basic  Spanish in No Time, Huga in Spanish, Spanish For Dummies Etc. This chapter introduced you to some very useful Information in Spanish , However this article just a theory, and the ability to depends on you.
Lets´s study SPANISH, Gracias!

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