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Reflexive verbs are nomally used for actions that the subject performs
to ‘him/herself’, e.g. ‘I wash (myself)’, ‘I wake (myself)’. In other words the subject
and the object of the verb are the same. Remember that in English, however,
the ‘myself/yourself’, etc. are often implicit rather than stated, thus we would
usually say ‘I washed’ with the ‘myself’ being implicit in the lack of any other direct object. In Spanish the
use of reflexive verbs is much more common and the reflexive pronoun
must be used:
Me lavo. Se despierta.
I wash (myself). He wakes (himself).
Lavo el coche. Despierta a los niños.
I wash the car. He wakes the children.
The form of the reflexive verb in Spanish is as follows:
me lavo I wash (myself)
te lavas you wash (yourself)
se lava he/she washes (himself/herself)
you wash (yourself)
nos lavamos we wash
os laváis you wash (yourselves)
se lavan they wash (themselves)
you wash (yourselves)
The pronoun is placed in front of the verb in the present tense. pronouns are normally placed at the end of certain
parts of the verb, notably the infinitive, the gerund (see Unit 15) and the
imperative, which will be dealt with at a laterstage.
e.g. Voy a lavarme.
I am going to wash (myself).
Tenemos que despertarnos.
We have to wake up.
Other common reflexive verbs are:
levantarse to get up
acostarse (ue) to go to bed
afeitarse to shave
peinarse to comb one’s hair
vestirse (i) to get dressed
ponerse to put on
Note: When referring to parts of
the body or articles of clothing, a reflexive verb is often
used in Spanish to express possession in preference to the possessive
Se lava la cara.
He washes his
Se rompe la
He breaks his
Me quito el abrigo.
I take off my coat.
The reflexive passive
A reflexive form of the verb is often used in Spanish when we would use
a passive in English, for
Se habla ingles.
English is spoken.
Se venden
Stamps are sold.
Se cultivan
Apples are grown.
Note that the verb form is the third person singular or plural,
depending on the subject. This construction is normally only used when the subject of
the verb refers to an inanimate object. This is because in such cases there
is little likelihood of confusion with the reflexive meaning, since inanimate objects cannot
perform the actions on themselves. In the above examples, newspapers cannot sell
themselves, neither can apples grow themselves, so there is no possible confusion with the
reflexive meaning. Notice the word order of this construction – the verb is normally placed
before the subject.
A singular reflexive construction can also be used to convey the meaning
‘it is + past
participle’ for example:
Se dice que…
It is said that…
Se cree que…
It is believed that…
Se espera que…
It is hoped that…
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